Boost your business with our
Fulfillment and 
E-commerce solutions

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High-Quality Logistics Service
Accurate Stock Control
Fast Delivery
Easy Operational Tracking
Customer Satisfaction

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    Inventory Storage Order Management Shipping and Delivery Return Management

    Drive Your Business Growth!

    Explore fiCommerce solutions that provide efficent operation and high customer satisfaction with single platform.


    Order Picking
    Parcel Shipment
    Return Management


    Webshop Development
    Webshop Management
    Product Listing
    Marketplace Integrations

    How fiCommerce Fulfillment Works?

    1. Project Kickoff Meeting
    Responsible parties are determined for the requirement steps and project preparation. The process is monitored by the fiCommerce teams in accordance with the project start date.
    2. Online Sales Channels Integration
    Integration processes of stores with our warehouses are completed according to online sales platforms, and tests are conducted. Support is provided for marketplace store setups.
    3. Storage & Order Preparation
    Products are accepted into the warehouse and put-away to be ready for sale within 24-48 hours. When orders received, they are prepared for order picking, packing, and shipping processes.
    4. Operation Start
    With our integrations, you can sell on multiple channels with a single stock. Orders from different channels are automatically transmitted to our warehouses, fulfilled for end customers with a high-performance commitment.


    Sales Channels




    Fulfillment Centers

    Global Fulfillment

    We efficiently manage all your e-commerce operations end-to-end in Turkey, Europe and KSA with our fulfillment services.

    Hizmet Bölgesi

    fi's Golden Ratios

    fiCommerce provides all your e-commerce needs in one platform!


    Order Accuracy Rate


    Stok Accuracy Rate

    0 Hours

    Delivery to Europe

    0 Hours

    Acceptance of Goods and Returns


    Fulfillment simply covers the steps that customers who have an e-commerce store in e-commerce logistics follow from the order intake to the deliveries. These steps are all the processes of storing the products of e-commerce vendors, keeping stocks, preparing, packaging, labelling, shipping, delivering, return processes and managing customer relations. Thus, e-commerce companies get rid of the workload of these operational processes and experience the advantages of delivering their products to customers without any problems.

    The scope of e-logistics activities can be shaped according to the demands of the businesses receiving services, but in general, it covers a wide range of stock planning, order taking, storing, packaging, loading, transporting and managing the return process for e-commerce businesses that want to get end-to-end service.

    The advantages of e-commerce logistics are as follows:

    • E-logistics services provide speed and organized planning advantages to their customers. 
    • An enterprise engaged in e-commerce gains efficiency with low cost and a low margin of error thanks to e-logistics services.
    • Through e-logistics, businesses can offer a lot of product services to their customers in wide markets.
    • Companies can collect information about the demands and different needs of their customers and thus increase the diversity of business services.
    • Companies deliver products to their customers faster thanks to space and time savings.

    In e-commerce, e-logistics services are supported by information technologies, unlike traditional logistics services. The e-logistics services processes supported by information technologies are generally as follows;

    • Products are received from the company or the supplier of the company, packaged, labeled and handled.
    • Internet-based systems are used in customs and shipment processes.
    • Logistics vehicles are tracked by satellite systems.
    • Automation systems are used in storage processes.
    • From product order to delivery, the customer who places the order is informed by e-mail and sms during the product delivery process in line with the permissions given within the scope of personal data protection law (KVKK).

    How to make effective logistics management in e-commerce? You can find more information about e-commerce logistics by checking our content.

    The most important goal of an e-commerce business is to deliver the product ordered to the customer in the safest and fastest way. To achieve this, it is necessary to meet the most important criteria of e-commerce logistics. These criteria include the following;

    • Digitalising delivery planning in the e-logistics process.
    • Organising storage and stock control processes.
    • Choosing the right packaging option for the product.
    • Differentiating in the eyes of the customer in the competitive environment of the sector with additional services.
    • To work with delivery companies that provide the best service.
    • To follow innovative logistics services.

    One of the most important steps of an e-commerce operation is the logistics process. The starting point of a good logistics process is the right storage. The storage process starts with goods acceptance. 

    The products sent from the manufacturer or seller with parcels, pallets, etc. are barcoded and scanned one by one and taken into stock. The important thing here is the correct stocking according to the product category. 

    • Mezzanine shelf storage: Mezzanine shelf is a shelf system that enables the most efficient use of the height of a warehouse area. Examples include products in quantity (lipstick, pens, etc.) and textiles, sports category and home decoration products that require layered stockings.
    • Hanging storage: It is an important type of stocking for brands selling in the textile category.
    • Temperature-conditioned Room: Some product categories should be stored under different temperature conditions due to the chemicals they contain. Supplements, medtech (medical technology products), lenses, vitamins and some food categories (delicatessen, chocolate, canned food, etc.) are examples of product categories that should be stocked in temperature-conditioned rooms.
    • Flammable combustible room: Some products are riskier than other product categories in a potential fire situation due to their content. Perfumes, deodorants in the cosmetics category should be stocked in flammable combustible rooms. 
    • Partial storage: It is the stocking method used especially for product categories with large volumes. For example, it is suitable for multi-part products such as air conditioners and wardrobes.

    You can get more information about storage processes and product categories by taking a look at our article titled, What is the Relationship Between Storage Conditions and Product Category? Why is it important?