The place of marketplaces in e-commerce is strengthening day by day and every day tens of entrepreneurs joins marketplace’s system by trusting in that power. The increasing number of sellers on platforms increases product range as well. But sometimes this situation reveals more than one seller for the same product. This both raises competition in e-commerce and brings various scenarios for the topic of stepping forward in that atmosphere.

Product quality, price, the relationship of seller with the customer, comments that customers speak up about their satisfaction, and many other factors impact the seller’s success on an important percentage. Differentiating from competitors has a direct proportion with that success. So buybox as a key metric on leading marketplaces determines how will you get through from your competitors and which criteria you need to meet for that.
We can say that buybox is a snapshot of metrics that provides the seller one step forward. In a product that has more than one seller, which seller gets buybox, his/her sales and conversion rates will at that rate. Both marketplaces bring him/her to the upper lines for visibility and provide to customer purchase the product with one click.
Let’s meet the leading marketplace of Turkiye Hepsiburada
In Turkiye, 1998, Hepsiburada which is visualized by Hanzade Boyner who has a quite good grasp of the retail sector and in 2001 is begun their business within Doğan Online, was expanding its community over the years and was being an important performer on Turkiye e-commerce ecosystem. Hepsiburada, in 2013 by receiving the title of “E-commerce Brand of the Year” intensified its popularity in Turkiye’s market.
Opened Turkiye’s first smart offline store belonging to a marketplace on Şişli’s Trump Tower, investments in the logistics and delivery field, incentives to women entrepreneurs and the first publicly-traded Turkish company on NASDAQ stock market, Hepsiburada is one of the inspiring brand. In that sense, Hepsiburada which becomes a favorite of sellers and customers closed 2021 with 54% growth and its growth continues. In 2022 Hepsiburada increased that growth multiplied 1.7 proportion, sellers sold total of 30 million products in November campaigns. In this platform where millions of orders are completed, sellers’ taking buybox is very important for the growth of profit.
It should be evaluating this competition not only on the basis of product but also on the basis of category. For this reason, we want to share prominent categories on Hepsiburada with you.
Hepsiburada popular categories
- Pet shop
- Electronics
- Supermarket
- Fashion
- Cosmetics and Personal Care
- Home and Living
- Office and Stationery
- Mother and Baby
- Toys
- Automotive
- Construction and hardware store
- Sport & outdoor
Buyboxand product relation
Buybox is a term that has some certain criterias not only in terms of seller, but also from the product. Explain as such; If a product’s manufacturing process and brand rights are totally yours and do not allow any seller to sell it except for you, then buybox will be automatically yours.
On the other hand; same product same brand can be sold by multiple sellers on marketplace. Here these kinds of products buybox competition rises between the sellers. A product’s having multiple sellers is as important as demanding from the buyers. Remember that a marketplace is being visited by millions of visitors daily and each of them seeking out is different. Product quality, being demanded by proportionally big community is an essential topic for being proper to buybox criterias.
The ways to gain buybox on Hepsiburada
We evaluated which products are eligible to buybox, now what is Hepsiburada expects from sellers, evaluate that in 5 steps.
- Products eligibility for taking place on Hepsiburada system: Each marketplace has its own rules. Some product groups can be banned from listing on a marketplace. First, search for the product group you sell that is available on Hepsiburada.
- Supply products from approved brand owner by Turkish Patent Institute or authorized sellers: We mentioned that the eligible products for buybox can have more than one seller. If the people you supplied the products to have no authority to sell and this is being realized by Hepsiburada, you will lose buybox.
- Mark the product’s brand and not sell counterfeit products: In the fields like product description, title, visual, the brand that is sold should be marked clearly. The product’s originality is essential yet.
- Correct pricing: You can give the lowest price to elude from your competitors and get more sales. However, this will not guarantee you to get buybox. Offering fair and competitive prices is of course significant but the ongoing trade has its authentic ethical rules. For this reason, these rules are valid for pricing policy.
- Proper seller criterias: Good-out on time for orders and completing delivery, store points by customers’ points, low cancel-return rates are seller criteria that can get buybox on Hepsiburada.
How can a seller understand that they get buybox on Hepsiburada?
Being as a seller you can list hundreds of products and controlling which one of them gets buybox among that amount of product will cause a waste of time. Distinguishing the products that get buybox on Hepsiburada is so easy. After login to your merchant panel, click on “Inventory” (Envanter) menu. In this menu, when you enter “On Sale” (Satışta) sub-menu your actively selling whole products will confront you. On the left of the list, there is numbers rowed as “1”, “2”, “3”, etc under Buybox title. Here, marking number “1” shows that you won buybox.
We recommend you to control the related product on front side. If that change is not shown on the marketplace, if you cannot enable buybox then you can request information from the merchant support panel.
As fiCommerce we are together with on your local marketplace operations!
Your end-to-end e-commerce solution partner fiCommerce offers you solutions that will bring you one step forward in e-commerce world. We mentioned in seller criterias to get buybox on Hepsiburada that fast and on-time delivery. With strong partner, we add speed to your operation with our value-added logistics infrastructure especial to e-commerce. With our marketplace management, we offer you the services that you will need while selling on marketplaces like listing your products, selecting target-oriented ads and campaings . By regarding increase your customers’ satisfaction, with our customer service team you respond order or product questions fastly. For get more detailed information you can contact us.